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Full name of company / partnership / proprietor*
Trading name if different
Limited CompanyPartnershipSole TraderPLC Business Type
Company Registration Number
VAT Number
EORI Number
Nature of business
How long trading
Approx annual turnover
No. of employees
Anticipated purchases per month
No. of outlets
Name 1*
Name 2
Address 1*
Address 2*
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Post Code*
Post Code
Address 3*
Address 4
Payment Method BACSCredit Card
Bank Name
Sort Code
Account Number
Company Name
We may make a search with a credit reference agency, which will keep a record of that search and will share that information with other businesses. We may also make enquiries about the principle directors with a credit reference agency.
We will monitor and record information relating to your trade performance and such records will be made available to credit reference agencies, who will share that information with other businesses in assessing applications for credit and fraud prevention.
The information given above is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and I understand false information given may lead to withdrawal of trade facilities. Without further notice I / We undertake to inform MAR Motorsport Ltd immediately and in writing of any changes relevant to information given in this application for credit facilities. I / We understand and agree that all trading with MAR Motorsport Ltd will be on the basis of the company’s terms and conditions of sale, a copy of which I / We acknowledge receipt of and understand that any variations will be notified in writing.
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